Monday, June 9, 2008

The truth... The whole truth?

The truth:
I am living in temptation and I want to quit it. I want to stop sinning against God. But it's very, very hard. Temptation can be SO strong. My will- so weak.

But I know it's not impossible!

So I shall strive on- I will not give up eventhough I should fall, because I know that God will forgive me , and let me try, and try, and try again until I finally stand victorious over it!

(some popularly quoted "support" verses)
[1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempte, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.]
[1 John 1:9- If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness]

The whole truth?
Well, erm... to be honest, part of me actually enjoys indulging in my temptation. It's like chocolate- fattening, but you enjoy eating every-"sinful"- little- bite. Yes, I know it's wrong. Just give me some time... I just need a little more time...

(supporting verse)
[James 1:14 But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed]

... ...

Ever thought of being honest with yourself as to what's "the truth" in your battle with temptation?

Because, technically- There's no way a person can overcome your temptations by deceiving themself as to what is the "true" current state of battle with it, right?

"How can you overcome something you still love?"
"How can you love indulging in sin when you know very well it means NOT loving God?"
"Really, really now... Who or what do you love more?"

Oh pride... please do not hide my heart from the whole truth.



Ken said...

The last sins to go are usually pride and lust. Pride because we don't want to admit our own brokenness, and lust, well that needs no explanation =/

Anonymous said...

u have a nice blog over here. =)
thanks for sharing the verses..

Anonymous said...

Ken: " lust, well that needs no explanation =/"

LoL~ Oo.. but unfortunately, that is very true.. O.O

Zhenwei: thank you for dropping by to read em =) *hugss*

Anonymous said...

hey how come I don't get any hugs like zhenwei? =p Hahaha as I remember u still owe me 3

Anonymous said...

Lust: The sin that seems to last forever, and the sin that needs to be pried open: Pride. Ha-ha, if i were to actually still keep tab/count of all the hugs people owe me, i'd be VERY depressed by now! Heh.

Anonymous said...

Anon: Aw~! Hehehe *HuGs*
Ken: Now there is left...2!!

Anonymous said...

Er, it doesn't work that way... the three hugs that you owe Ken still stands.

Anonymous said...

... But, thanks for the hug anyways Mich... your virtual hug is 'almost as good' as your non-existent physical hug. Heh. ;p