Friday, November 28, 2008

I almost forgot how great it feels...

Today is just one of those days that God proves Himself to be ever so wonderful. I've been so caught up with work and studies which has led me to almost losing my sanity because it's so hard to juggle everything. But ironically, the nearer exam is, the more at peace I feel. Weird don't you think? Just proves that God is faithful. I had an opportunity to share just a small portion of God to my colleagues today. I hope that I lived my life with Him shining through. I almost forgot how amazing it feels to be given the opportunity to sow a seed for Him. To share a part of Him to someone else feels so great because I shared how wonderful and real He truly is, the God that made me who I am. I hope to share this testimony with you (dear reader) once He's brought everything to completion. Till then, take care

Love always,
The one that lives to share His amazing love, Me

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